Why Your Social Media Strategy Needs Video


How to create relevant social media content that works  

For years, Instagram was a place for square photos. But today—with the rise of video-centric platforms like TikTok and the success of Instagram Reels—video content has shifted to become the main, driving force behind most social media platforms. 

Why is video becoming so important when it comes to social media strategy? 

Social media algorithms have begun to favor video content more and more, driving down the relevance of photos in favor of more interactive posts containing video. For this reason, it’s no surprise to hear Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri’s declaration that the platform is becoming a video app.

But the changes deserve more attention than a passing trend. Scientific studies show our minds prefer video. The average human’s attention span may be shorter than a goldfish, but videos keep our attention and help us retain messages. 

In fact, research shows that video content is five times more likely to capture a viewer’s attention than still images.

What’s more, viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to just 10% when reading a message in text.  

Should nonprofits invest in video? 

It's not uncommon for organizations to be hesitant to make video content because of the cost associated with their creation. But attempting organic social without video could come at an even greater cost because of the lost opportunity for engagement with your key audiences.

No matter the size or budget of your organization, you can take steps today to help ensure you prioritize video content so that your social media content.

Five tips to create relevant social media video content that works:


    There is a never-ending stream of content when it comes to social media. Quality content stands out. As your organization plans for the future, consider taking a bigger leap to invest in content development and production that will result in excellent videos people want to stop scrolling for and watch.


    Technology has made it easier than ever to shoot quality content on the go. You no longer need the newest DSLR camera, as newer iPhone models have many different settings to record strong video content. To ensure your video is recorded at the highest quality when shooting on an iPhone, go to Settings > Camera > Record Video and select the option 4K at 30 FPS. Likewise, for an Android phone, go to Settings > Video > Back Camera Video Resolution, then select UHD 4K.  

  3. Keep your message short and simple.

    Before you hit record, ask yourself: What is the most important message I need to share in this video? Be sure that the most important information is conveyed first since the most critical time for viewers is the first few seconds of any video. While a Reel can be up to 90 seconds and a TikTok can last up to 10 minutes, the average user spends just 1.3 seconds on a post, so it’s crucial to grab their attention early. Capture attention, be engaging, get to the point and keep your message as short as possible, ideally 90 seconds or less, even on TikTok.


    Video content is a great way to make your social media content personal to your organization. Show what your organization is like in real life. Connect people with what makes your organization unique by sharing the heart of your mission and the impact you’re making through real stories and real people. 


    Some of the best ideas for video content can come from messages that already resonate and are relevant with your audience. Consider your website’s analytics, engagement rates and most shared content. 

Our team’s social media experts are available to help you with best practices and creative ideas so you can step forward with confidence when planning for and creating video content for social media. 

Rob Forrester