Your reputation now lives almost entirely online. Controlling the narrative on search, social, news and internal comms is the goal.

When you Google your brand, what is on page one? Do you own the space? Is it on message? When you navigate social media, is your name mentioned? Is it positive or negative? What are reporters writing or saying about you in the press? Do your employees act as advocates or adversaries for your company and leadership?

These are the questions that define your reputation today. Leaving these channels untended is a missed opportunity at best; often the result is much worse.

Reputation management is taking control of the narrative on these platforms and aligning it with your desired brand perception. This requires vigilant monitoring and a proactive, synchronized effort to populate these channels with on-brand content. It is playing offense for growing your awareness and bolstering your reputation, while simultaneously preparing your defense by offsetting the impact of any current or future off-brand content.

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‘‘It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.’’

Warren Buffet